Friday, May 24, 2013

There are Ten Million Put in the Bay Ohios

We left Chicago and the waves were gnarly. 

The wind was going strong in Ohio as well. America was there as per usual.

We stopped for Sbarro once. 

We stopped for Sbarro again. 

 MLP was so excited about the multiple Sbarros that he started waving his hands like a mad man! It was as if he had just had his first taste of a fire cooked meal!

Meanwhile, Andrew took care of his teeth like a regular human.

No one slept at all and then we reached this truck stop, which likely existed in The Twilight Zone. I was tired enough to read truck stop as Turk stop. It was funny at the time (3 am).

We drove until New Jersey, where it is apparently "A-Okay" to spike a grapefruit with Red Bull. 

We had a master class with this guy who spoke with passion and composure about calculus and eighth notes and fatherhood and music. It was amazing.

And then we were in New York. 

Lincoln Center was awesome and my photos of it are terrible. In my defense, there should not technically be any photos of Lincoln Center.

This sign revealed the secret cause of the current economic downturn: Fire. 

John has been making profound statements and quietly playing the ukulele and is being a generally great bus buddy.

Annie and Rory have been making terrible jokes and testing the patience of our chaperones and are also generally great bus buddies. 

It's been exhausting but lovely. 

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